• Azoospermia:The absence of any sperm in men.
  • Acrosome:Protective structure surrounding the sperm head.
  • Assisted Hatching:The membrane thinning process is performed before the embryo is transferred to the mother to increase the chances of pregnancy.


  •  Biopsy:Obtaining cells from a tissue or organ
  • Beta HCG:Blood test which indicates pregnancy.
  • Blastocyst:Embryos most advanced state in the laboratory.


  • CVS (Chorionic villus sampling):Biopsy process performed in pregnancy (8-10 weeks)to determine the babys sex chromosome status and genetical anomalies.
  • Cryopreservation:Eggs, sperm and embryo freezing for future uses
  • Catheter: The rod made with specific sterile material used to transfer the grown embryos into the uterine cavity
  • Chromosome:Genetic DNA construct
  • Cesarean:Delivery done by the surgical method
  • Cycles:Period.


  • Donor:Forgiving, the person who donates
  • Downs Syndrome:A genetic condition in which the patients have mild to moderate intellectual disability.


  • Ectopic Pregnancy:Pregnancy which results from attachment of embryos outside the uterine cavity.
  • Embryo:State in which the egg cell is fertilized by a sperm cell.
  • Endometrium:The inner wall of the uterus.
  • Epidural Anesthesia: Anesthetic material being given to the epidural area at the neural canal, which has the opportunity for the patient to be awake but not to feel pain
  • Embryo Donation (transplant): The combination of egg(oocyte) donation and sperm donation treatments together
  • Embryoscope: A mechanism that lets us to follow up the embryos under the lens of development without opening the instrument cover.
  • Endometriosis:Internal wall of the uterus growing outside of the uterine cavity.
  • Estradiol (E2): The hormone produced by the ovaries, that increases endometrial thickness which is necessary for implantation
  • Egg:Womens reproductive cell.
  • Egg Donation: To obtain eggs from another person or an egg bank


  • FSH : Follicle Stimulating Hormone:Hormones that is produced by the brain and stimulates follicle, thus oocyte growth
  • Family Balance:Family planning.
  • Fertility: Reproductivity
  • Follicle:Sac in which the egg sac is present.


  • General Anesthesia: The anesthetic procedure in which the patient loses consciousness
  • Grade 1:Top quality


  • Hysteroscopy: A surgical procedure which is done by entering the uterus with a camera system via the cervix which lets us inspect and if possible treat the Cervical canal pathologies, polyps of the uterus, uterine septums, uterine fibroids, adhesions, etc.
  • HSG Film:Film showing of the uterus is normal uterine cavity and the tubal filling as weel as the opening of the tubes.
  • HCG Injections:The needle used to trigger ovulation
  • Hemophilia:Genetic disease characterized by a bleeding disorder.


  • IVF – In Vitro Fertilization:Womens eggs are taken from the laboratory with sperm taken from her husband and put into a special dish together to be fertilized using IVF method (IVF) application.
  • Infertilite:Infertility.
  • ICSI:Sperm to Be placed under the microscope with a special pipette into the egg (fertilization)
  • Implantation: Sticking of the embryo to mother’s body to grow
  • IMSI:The process of selecting the most healthy of the sperms with 6000-8000 times magnification under a special microscope.
  • Insemination: Inserting the concentrated and washed semen into the women’s body
  • Intrauterin Inseminasyon:Transferring the sperm directly into the uterine cavity.
  • Induction of Ovulation: The ovary to be stimulated to mature eggs


  •  Local Anesthesia: The anesthetic medicine to be applied only to a part of the body effecting only that part of the body


  • Microtese:The process sought to cut testis biopsies sperm under the microscope and searching sperm
  • Menopause:The end of the egg maturation by the ovaries and cessation of menstrual cycle for at least a year.
  • Microsort Method:Application consists of determining the gender determining part of the sperm approximately
  • Morphological Analysis:Examining structural shapes.


  • OPU:Egg collection.
  • Oocyte:Egg.
  • Ovary: The female genital organ which contains and matures the eggs
  • Oosperm: Divided until the fertilized egg to the name. After dividing the embryo gets name.


  • Pelvic Ultrason: Examination of the ovaries and uterus.
  • Protocol:Treatment scheme
  • PGTPGD:The process of investigation to the embryos via a biopsy by looking at the chromosomes to determine gender and and some genetical anomalies
  • Periodic:Rhythmic.
  • PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, a disease related with chronic anovulation
  • Placenta:An organ that supports baby during pregnancy.
  • Prolactin:Lactation hormone.


  • Semen:Sperm fluid.
  • Spinal Anesthesia: Anesthetic material being given to the epidural area at the neural canal, which has the opportunity for the patient to be awake but not to feel pain
  • Stimulation:Excitation.
  • Smear Test:The screening test for the early detection of cervical cancer.
  • Speculum:Inspection tool inserted vaginally to observe the vagina and the cervix
  • Sperm:Mens reproductive cell.
  • Sperm Donation:Sperm to be taken from a donor directly or from a sperm bank
  • Spermiogram: Sperm analysis.


  • TSH:Pituitary gland hormone which stimulate the release of the thyroid hormones
  • Testis:Sperm-producing male organs.
  • Tesa: A procedure where the sperm is taken from the testis via a needle
  • Tese: A procedure where the sperm is taken from the testis via biopsy


  • Ultrasound: A device to visualize internal organs such as uterus and ovaries via sound waves
  • Uterus:The female organ that grows the baby inside


  • Varicocele:Is widening of blood vessels in the scrotal sac of the testicles
  • Villus:A part of placenta..


  • Zona pellusida: Embryo Membrane.